S1waterbike was a presence in MCD 8 held in June 2015 in Retezat Mountains, Romania.
Here you have some infromation about the event:
Muscarici Fly Casting Days – edition 8, is part of a series of Fly Casting events held with certified casting instructors in Romania since 2010.
The edition 8 took place in Retezat Mountains, western part of Romania – at Dumbravita Pension on June 26- 28, 2015.
The event was open to every fly fisherman, beginner or advanced caster, for one hand or double hand gear.
Invited instructors and guests are:
Paul Arden – Sexyloops founder (UK)
Thomas Berggren MCI THCI IFFF (SE)
Djordje Andjelkovic MCI THCI IFFF (SRB)
Sasa Zec CI EFFA (SRB)
Paul Sas CI EFFA (RO)
3 days dedicated to casting techniques: Demos, Workshops, Casting clinic, Gear presentation and gear tests, Conferences about developing gear.
3 working sections: 1.- One hand (SH), 2. – Two hands (DH), 3. – Beginners and casting for kids.
You could find:
– Designing and developing gear conferences,
– Gear show and test,
– Casting Competition,
– Fishing Demos on stream and lake,
– International participation,
– Caster Intensive beer launch – Muscaricilor Club new beer .
The event was part of Romanian Fly Fishing Federation (FRPMA) calendar.
Brands in the event:
Sexyloops, Zimsen, Karpen FlyFishing, Loop, ECHO, Evil Fly, Barrio, S1waterbike.
Official Partner of Clubul Muscaricilor Timisoara: Clinica de Bere – the Caster Platin and Gold beer producer.
To notice:
1. Premiere – 6 accredited casting instructors at one event in Romania, 4 MCI and THCI, from UK, Denmark, Sweden, Serbia si Romania.
2. Premiere – first Romanian accredited EFFA instructor Paul Sas from Cluj.
3. Premiere – first CBOG IFFF in Romania, Lasse Karlsson from Denmark, member in Board of Governors, International Federation of Fly Fishers.
4. Premiere – a night casting session with Luminous line from Sexyloops, coordinated by Paul Arden (Sexyloops).
5. 5 one hour casting demos, 12 workshops 2hours and a half each held in 3 sections ( beginners, single hand and double hand), 3 conferences about designing and developing gear and IFFF programs.
6. 2 brand launch in Romania: Zimsen from Sweden & Evil Fly from Serbia, rods and lines.
7. 6 brands in the event: ECHO (USA), Loop (Sweden), Barrio (UK), Sexyloops (UK), Karpen Fly-Fishing si S1waterbike (Romania)
8. 45 participants from Romania, Germany, Republic of Moldavia.
9. 2 Important meeting:
– working session in Romanian Fly Fishing Federation,
– working meeting between Clubului Muscaricilor from Timisoara and Fly Fishing Romania concerning the rehabilitation project of Riul Ses, Retezat.
10. Clubului Muscaricilor from Timisoara new beer launch: Caster Intensive, exclusively produced by Clinica de Bere din Timisoara for our club event.
3 intense days, that bring Romania on the international casting map, the event is considered by instructors as a top event.
Partners: Crama Ferdi, Alsa Skog, BN Business, Mopeka Impex, Data Group Int, Ceradez, Ideatm, MMC.