Adrian Vlasiu

Adrian Vlasiu – the Fly-fishermen of many years starting with 2007, many times champion of Romanian national Fly competitions, member of Romanian Fly-fishing team over the years, general manager of Angling management Romania.
Did you have the occasion to try S1Waterbike, when, where and how many times?
I’m feeling lucky because since 2006 I’ve been using S1waterbike with success in competitions, free time and leisure.
The 2006 Finals of the National Fly fishing Championship, gave me the opportunity to compete for the first time, using S1Waterbike.
It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship
What is your general impression give by S1Waterbike concerning the boats used before?
The general impression is Where can I get one?
After paddling for years and breaking my back with inflatable boats, It was time to sit back and relax.
Imagine you are fishing from a comfortable chair, having at the same time perfect control and maximum visibility. Who would go back to inflatable boats?
On what kind of waters did you use S1Waterbike?
I’m using S1waterbike on any kind of lake or reservoir.
I’ve been fishing with it all over Romania.
Did you notice improvements in fishing and captures with S1Waterbike?
No questions about that!
Let me put it this way:
This is what happens every time you go fishing with inflatable’s.
You get into the water, you start paddling until your back and hands kill you, after that rush-rush to get the anchored. By the time the anchor reaches the bottom, you’ll be away from your favorite spot by a few good meters.
Then you start fishing, and after a few casts you notice you have to change move from that place and back to paddling, and the whole process. After a couple of hours you’ll feel like calling your masseur!
I bet it’s real fun for some, but for me it’s a passion killer.
Instead when you get on the S1Waterbike, you feel like shouting EVRIKA!
Since you’re paddling with your feet, you have your hands free for fishing, and you can concentrate on your favorite fishing spot. Visibility is perfect thanks to the fact that your standing high above the water, and it really doesn’t matter if the wind is blowing, because you can easily keep you balance and fishing place with a few paddles.
Because of this you can easily, fish the whole bank, and of course you increase your chances of a big catch!
How does S1waterbike work in competitions ?
For me S1Waterbike is like the Ferrari’s of fishing boats.
Even if the cruising speed isn’t as high as an inflatable boat, during a 3 hour fishing session, you can easily outrun your competitors, because of the maneuverability and easy control.
All the others who are using inflatables, have to paddle non-stop, anchor, fish, and repeat that for 3 hours.
With S1Waterbike, all you have to do is catch fish. Everything else is kid’s fun.
I can truly say that at least half of my success on lake competitions is thanks to the S1Waterbike.
Would you choose S1Waterbike from other boats in the same price category ?
I already did !
What do you think it should be done in order to improve the product ?
I think I’ve had a important contribution to improving the product during these years. I’ve seen the product better and better each year.
Exactly when you think there’s nothing left to be done, the ABC Systems team comes with a new idea.
The S1Waterbike is already a great product, but for the future I would give more access to the future owner in customizing the look of his personal waterbike.
Something like Pimp-My-Bike.